You are not alone

Healing for those seeking recovery from addiction and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
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You are not alone

Healing for those seeking recovery from addiction and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
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The Catholic in Recovery Workbook: A Guide to the Twelve Steps

The Catholic in Recovery Workbook: A Guide to the Twelve Steps offers a guide for working the Twelve Steps of recovery from a Catholic and sacramental perspective and is designed for those impacted by a variety of addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments, loved ones of an addict, and anyone else desiring to surrender their life to God’s love and care.


Read Part 1 of this series. In the first part of our exploration of the wisdom of Saint Augustine and 12-step recovery, we witness the dramatic change in awareness that led to Augustine’s recognition of his own powerlessness and of the one …
Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. Having considered Saint Bernard of Clairvaux’s several observations for why we should love God as well as his description of the path of growth in virtuous love, we come now to …
In Episode 10 of the Catholic in Recovery podcast, Scott Weeman and Father Sean Kilcawley discuss the importance of lifestyle changes for sustained recovery from addiction. They explore how habits, obstacles, and faith play crucial roles and share about the challenges of …
What do Saint Augustine and addiction recovery have in common? It turns out, quite a lot. Augustine, now recognized as one of the most influential people on Western thought, went through a tremendous struggle before he became the “saint” we think of …